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Entanglement, 2019 16 minutes, Quartet,Quantum physics meets social interactions
Snow, 2017 5.5 minutes, solo, for Adirondack Elemental Suite
Cascade, 2015, 14 minutes,original score by Andreas Welch, 6 dancers, water
Dispossessed, 2014, 18 minutes, spoken word and score by Adrian Carr, 5 dancers, the plight of refugees
Filigree, 2013, 13 minutes, Telemann, 5 dancers
Turbulence, 2012,18 minutes, 5 dancers, fear of flying
Apayaana, 2011, 16 minutes. Quartet, Global Warming
Desire, 2010, Cello metal. 18 min. Six individuals with edgy, conflicting stories
Finding Love, 2009, 10 min. Romantic pas de deux, also called "Trouve Moi"
Back Porch, 2009, 12 min Traditional music, whimsical, hoe down fun, suite
Long Time Passing (2008), Violin concerto. Three soliders receive their deployment papers. The news brings turmoil, despair, courage.
Adirondack Elemental, Air, Earth, Waters (2007) commissioned scores by 3 "mountain women" composers: Abby Newton, cello - Earth; composer Sue Grimm, flute, with Kyle Murray,
percussion - Waters; and Martha Gallagher,
the Adirondack Harper, 19 minute suite, 6 dancers.
Circles-- after the fall (2006) commissioned score, Adrian Carr, 15 min. lead couple and ensemble of six Kelly's ballet reflecting on 9/11 and the uniquely American dilemma of preserving our myths in the face of war..
Carmen: Jose's Dream (2004) Carmen story told from the perspective of Don Jose in jail for his crime of passion. Rodion Shchedrin, 43 minutes, 5 dancers; commissioned by Orchestra
of St. Luke's, NY Carmen Adagio
Fine Line of True Togetherness (2004) Percussion Suite Mix, 25 minutes, 6 dancers
Reves (2004) 3 Concerti, Bach, 15 minutes, 6 dancers
Soldier's Tale (2003)
Igor Stravinsky, 27 minutes, 4 dancers and a narrator; commissioned by
Orchestra of St. Luke's, NY
American Suk (2003)
Oojami, Shabeesation, 15 minutes, 12 dancers, commissioned by Tappanzee
Trouve Moi (2003) Satie, Ciani, 10
min, Pas de Deux
Wilderness Suite Ballet (2002) composer Richard Adler, 34 min, 12-member ensemble
The Travelers (2002) CraigMix , 15 minutes, ensemble
Telemann (2000) George Telemann, 12 minutes, ensemble
Spice Suite
(1996-ongoing) International medley, 17-35 min, variations for the ensemble
Cinq (1998) original score by Dalit
Warshaw, 12 minutes, 5 dancers
Jishin (1996) Hohvaness, 15 minutes, 6 dancers
Rising Into
Light (1995) Adrian Carr, commissioned score, 12 minutes, full ensemble
Soft Moon
(1994) Bruce Wolosoff, commissioned score, 12 minutes, 4 dancers
(1992) Anagama, 18 min., 6 dancers
Undercurrents (1992)Benjamin Britten,
Piano Concerto in C. 12 minutes, ensemble
Those Who Must
Be Kept (1991) Adrian Carr, commissioned score, 20 minutes, ensemble stories of vampires
Arbitra (1991)Elliot Sokolov, commissioned score, 12 minutes, trio
Clarion (1990) Frank Loch, commissioned score, 12 minutes, 4 dancers
Dream Driven
(1985)Stravinsky, Rite of Spring, 35 minutes, ensemble of 11, The
Story of an Alcoholic
Air (1982) Lucas Mason, commissioned score, 8 minutes, pas de deux
of The Earth: Ballets with Environmental Themes
Adirondack Elemental, Air, Earth, Waters, Snow, (2007-2017) commissioned scores by 3 "mountain women" composers:
Abby Newton, cello - Earth; composer Sue Grimm, flute, with Kyle Murray,
percussion - Waters;
and Martha Gallagher,
the Adirondack Harper, for Air, 24 minute suite, 6 dancers
Cascade, 2015, 14 minutes,original score by Andreas Welch, 6 dancers, water
Apayaana, 2011, 16 minutes. Quartet, Global Warming and Climate Change
Boundaries (1993)
Disenfranchisement - Habitat loss, refugees -
Adrian Carr, commission,
22 minutes, full ensemble
Yellow Stone (1990)
Frank Loch, commission, 18 min. full ensemble
Tear of The
Clouds (1989) Revived 2007
Deforestation, acid rain -
Morricone, Mozart, Nakoi, 18 minutes, full ensemble
story ballets for children and
family audiences (created 1993)
The Paper Chase (about recycling),
Paul Dukas: The Sorcerer's Apprentice
A Delicate Balance(about endangered animals), Saint Saens: Carnival of the Animals